Monthly Archives: September 2010


what can you do with this information?

like, you’ve somehow figured knowing me actually gives you power,
and the sense of my honesty and open vulnerability puts you in gear of taking advantage –
or holds you a saint if you don’t ?!
…as much as you have position to use it,
you could never destroy me,
do you know that?

you may sit opaque, reflecting a state of omen
and your ego may even think itself stronger than my light
but i shall not be moved from my Self, nor my
strength to call on it

and you!
you somehow think I note our differences; other than looking in my mirror;
that the contrasts of our aura or skin shift me to belligerence, rather than
it being about what the outside of me makes you

does it hurt, that i hold you responsible for yourself
and that i am not shaken throughout
incessant needs to control?

i tire of chasing phantoms, listening to the bull Shit,

of being a jail-bird
in all this arrested development